Managing My Money

Week 8, Part 2: The Finale! - Episode 16

Share Radio & Open University Business School

"Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: wisdom preserves those who have it."

Ecclesiastes: Chapter 7, Verse 12


for one last time, to 'Managing My Money' presented by Glen Goodman and Annie Weston

Your finances

  • Past;
  • Present; and
  • Future;

Overall: stick to the Financial Model

- keep reviewing, avoid negative thinking ..

1. Financial Planning and the life journey

2. Income, Taxation and Benefits

3. Expenditure and Budgeting

4. Debt and Borrowing

5. Savings and Investments

6. Housing and the household balance sheet

7. Pensions

8. Insurance

So to the future:

  • Money need not be the root of all evil ..

  • It is a means of exchange and a store of value ..

  • But it can also be a force for good

so farewell to ..

Bill and Ben, the Pennys and the rest of them ..

and thanks to ..

Martin Upton 

Sharon Collard

Glen Goodman

Annie Weston

David Ricardo-Pearce

etc ..

Good luck, and keep listening to Share Radio!

And now ..

Take the final Week 8 fifteen question test at - then it's time to download your Statement of Participation Certificate!

Thanks for taking part, and farewell: from Glen Goodman, Annie Weston and all at Share Radio and the Open University Business School!

Managing My Money - Week 8, Episode 2

By Share Radio

Managing My Money - Week 8, Episode 2

These illustrations accompany the Managing My Money course broadcast by Share Radio, based on the Open University online course of the same name. You have reached the last episode of the final Week 8: after which please take the completion test. You will then receive your Statement of Participation. Congratulations!

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