Theatre of the Mind

Enjoy some of the best of Share Radio's

huge library of audio programmes

About Share Radio ..

Share Radio started broadcasting from Westminster, London in November 2014. It has always had a broad remit covering politics and economics, philosophy and entertainment, and other quality speech.

Originally it broadcast on DAB in the United Kingdom, but now it's 100% online across the world, with a library of over 7,500 audio programmes and a continuously broadcasted 'live stream'. This features our current speech programmes at 9 am and 2 pm each day, with news at the top of each hour and lots of wonderful instrumental folk music in between, from across the world.

Each Monday we email links to all our latest programmes, together with a commentary on topical matters.

A simple one-off registration is all it takes to listen to Share Radio - there's no charge when you sign in via an introducing partner such as The Share Foundation.




Share Interviews & thought-pieces

.. or, for listening live, please click on our logo

Top Ten Movies

.. & for listening live, please click on our logo:

Track Record

(our version of Desert Island Disks)

.. & for listening live, please click on our logo:

History of UK Politics

.. & for listening live, please click on our logo:

Theatre of the Mind

.. & for listening live, please click on our logo:

Welcome to Share Radio's Theatre of the Mind

By Share Radio

Welcome to Share Radio's Theatre of the Mind

An overview of the cornucopia of delights to be found at Share Radio, full of links and with a short summary of our approach and history over the past six years

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