Managing My Money

Week 1, Financial Planning and the Life Journey -  Part 2

​Share Radio & Open University Business School

'A wise person should have money in his head, but not in his heart'

Jonathan Swift

Welcome to Managing My Money

presented by Glen Goodman and Annie Weston

Statement of Participation

When you complete this eight week course, you'll receive a Statement of Participation like this which you can include on your CV and list among your achievements 

Your Financial Model

Decide your goal, make your plan

Sarah Pennells

Former presenter of Share Radio's Money Guide on Saturdays, Sarah is a well-known personal finance journalist and broadcaster, has written several books on personal finance.

She says: 'Focus on your financial goals: it can be an empowering exercise'.

Meet Bill and Ben, the bungling burglars

Social & Economic Factors impact your plan

Some causes of bad financial decisions

  • Short-termism
  • "Things I will never be able to afford to do"
  • Living for Today

Who wants to be .. a little bit better off than they are at the moment?

  • Calculating the best option

  • Getting/Giving a 'nudge'

Financial Style


Take the Week 1 quiz/test at - as you take each week of the course, your results will build up on your personal dashboard. 

Managing My Money:

is broadcast by Share Radio and is based on the Open University Business School online course of the same name.

Your presenters are Glen Goodman and Annie Weston.

Managing My Money - Week 1, Episode 2

By Share Radio

Managing My Money - Week 1, Episode 2

These illustrations accompany the Managing My Money course broadcast by Share Radio, based on the Open University online course of the same name. Week 1 is entitled 'Financial planning and the life journey'. This is the second episode, after which please take the test for Week 1.

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