Bring the benefits of Share Radio to your customers

Free listening for all your customers, on-air advertising and audio production

Share Radio is an online radio channel which has been 'sharing ideas about money' for over six years. With a speech podcast library of over 7,500 programmes, and 24/7 broadcasting which blends quality speech with instrumental folk music, it offers great value which your customers can enjoy free when you become a sponsoring partner. Sponsorship also brings regular play-out of your audio ads and, if required, inclusion of a regular programme in our schedule for all listeners. Plus, you'll get contact details and listener logs of the audience taking advantage of your sponsorship (in accordance with GDPR guidelines).

Free listening for your customers

A simple one-off sign-in process from a landing page on your website provides free access to the listening delights of Share Radio for as long as you remain a sponsoring partner.

Visit for access via The Share Foundation

Your audio Ads

Supply us with a range of your audio and MPU ads, and we'll include them in our schedules on Share Radio, on our website and in our weekly newsletter:

  • On-air advertising - 60 second spots
  • Website advertising - (300 x 250 MPU)
  • Newsletter advertising (267 x 97 px)

Your audio Programmes

Audio Ads and Regular Programmes

Your 15-45 minute regular programme(s) can be included in our schedule and in our podcast library and tagged with a special URL for market research. We can provide production & presenter facilities.

An added bonus: we offer branded access for your staff to our 'Managing My Money' course

Share Radio produced this 16 episode Open University course to help build financial awareness - we can provide it in your branding, and with feed-back to your HR department, as a staff benefit at no extra cost. Try it at The Share Foundation.

What does all this cost?

There's a monthly charge for the service set in relation to the depth of the partnership, plus optional production charges:

  • Audio podcast production – if prepared with a Share Premium presenter/editor:
    • up to 15 minutes
    • up to 30 minutes
  • Audio advertisement production – if prepared by Share Premium:
    • up to 30 seconds
    • up to 1 minute

Please get in touch to explore what we can do together:

Share Radio Sponsored Partnership

By Share Radio

Share Radio Sponsored Partnership

Showing the benefits of a corporate sponsored partnering relationship with Share Radio

  • 1,446