Can you help us connect young people with their Child Trust Funds?

The Share Foundation ..

  • is the registered charity which runs the savings account (Child Trust Fund and Junior ISA) schemes for children and young people in care throughout the United Kingdom on behalf of the Department for Education.

  • are particularly concerned to ensure that all disadvantaged young people have the resources and life skills preparation to make the most of their opportunities in adult life.

Providing resources and life skills preparation

  • There’s a great opportunity to do this with the Child Trust Fund, the account opened with Government contributions for almost all children born in the UK between 1 September 2002 and 2 January 2011
  • Over six million accounts were opened and are now valued at an average c. £1,500 each. They are all being administered safely with regulated account providers
  • one third – two million – of these accounts are lost to the young people concerned, largely because they had to be opened by HMRC because no action had been taken by parents within one year of birth

BUT ..

Most of the lost accounts are owned by the poorest

  • 1.2 million accounts were opened by HMRC for children in families receiving Child Tax Credit – 85% of them are now either ‘Addressee Gone Away’ or were never registered. A further 1 million are also lost to disadvantaged families. See our leaflet for MPs.
  • The oldest Child Trust Fund recipients reach 18 – when they’re supposed to get access to their money – on 1 September 2020
  • We have a multi-layered recovery campaign for the Child Trust Fund scheme across the United Kingdom, and we’d like to work with schools and other organisations which can help us contact 16 and 17 year olds

SO ..

Our recovery proposition for 16/17s is simple ..

Meanwhile we’ll look after those in care directly with local authorities

  • We’ve already located nearly all Child Trust Funds for young people in care without a Responsible Adult – less than 25% were linked when we took over that part of the scheme from the Official Solicitor* in 2017

  • We’ve introduced new arrangements for those with a Responsible Adult to ensure they can also benefit from financial education and potential extra donations

And now we want to help all other young people aged 16 or 17 with lost Child Trust Funds to find their account

*Official Solicitors for England and Wales and Northern Ireland and the Accountant of Court for Scotland

We track and progress the finding process ..

With so many children & young people at home at present ..

So .. please will you help us contact these young people to tell them the good news?

Contacts & reference ..


  •  - also: for more detail, please listen to this radio programme with one of our Child Trust Fund Ambassadors, Fiona Ross of 'Work Out Your Money', Citizen’s Advice, Havant, interviewing our Chair Gavin Oldham

This is why we must take action!

Don't let young people's money end up in the red box!

Asking help with linking Child Trust Funds

By Share Radio

Asking help with linking Child Trust Funds

The Share Foundation is undertaking a major recovery campaign for the Child Trust Fund, a Government-funded account provided for over six million children and young people in the United Kingdom. This presentation is particularly designed for organisations which might be able and willing to help us re-link c. two million accounts lost to the young people concerned, almost all from disadvantaged backgrounds.

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